This past Saturday, I was surprised with a party.  When I had entered the room and everyone yelled “surprise” I really didn’t know what the occasion was far.  I believe most people saw the confused look on my face.  However, i was quickly told that it was for my “retirement” from working as a youth minister for the last 22 years (add 7 years as a public school teacher).  Some might be confused as well as to why I am retiring when they know I am not wealthy by the world standards and still need to “work.”  Well, it is the end of one thing for me in my ministry and the beginning of a new ministry.

I love and had a wonderful youth ministry, but I knew over a year ago that I was ready to do something different.  I will still be available to any youth minister to speak, sing, etc for any youth event, but for the main youth guy in charge of leading a youth group….God put in my heart it was time. Most preachers/minister’s know the “it is time” feeling.  For me in a nut shell, I just didn’t feel I could do what was needed to be done anymore in that role.  I love each teen I had in any of my youth groups…Big Spring (Birdwell Lane), Sherman (Parkview), Lampasas (First St.), Deer Park (Deer Park) and last in order Rockdale (Murray St.). May God continue to bless those congregations and the youth!

So I “retired” from being a youth minister, but I am still doing ministry.  My (well our) focus is now helping the homeless, the underprivileged, or the needy.  We also want to be a resource to any Church that is wanting to strengthen, or begin an outreach to their community.  We will train adults, youth, or both how to begin the conversation about God, teach churches how to do one-on-one Bible studies, and other techniques to help spread God’s Kingdom.


Retired…yes from full time youth ministry…But a new beginning in Street Ministries!


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