Useful for the Mission

Most people wouldn’t know what this is, in fact when I first saw it I didn’t even know what it was, but i did know it was old. How old? Well, if you can see it is has 1898 stamped into it. As of today this “contraption” is 121 years old. Crazy thing is it […]

What’s behind It?

Street Ministries 2540 truck magnet “Signs Signs, Everywhere there’s signs” are just a few lyrics from a song made famous by Tesla the Band. However, no matter where you go… you see signs.  The picture I used today is of course from our ministry (SM2540) and it shows our name, the verse we get our […]

The Tree

We have all seen pics like this one. Someone leaves a bicycle or other object laying against a tree and over time the tree starts to grow and “swallow” up the object. As I looked at this tree and fence/gate, the words of Paul came to mind. Passages like 2 Timothy 2:8 or Romans 16:25, […]

The Bike

It might not look like much, but that old bike has seen some miles and got me where I needed to go. Bikes where the mode of transportation for me and my friends growing up. I had many bicycles growing up, but nothing compared to this one. I remember the day my dad brought it […]

How Can SM2540 Help You and Your Congregation?

When SM2540 started, we really were focused on working strictly with the homeless.  However, God opened our eyes to another need that seemed to be neglected in our world and that is working with Churches to help them build a program for reaching the lost, which also would include the homeless.  Along with this, are […]


“Momma, how come no one is doing anything yet?”  I asked “Well, son, it’s not time to start worship yet.”  Momma replied With that, this 4 year old kid walked up to the front of the church auditorium and started leading a song. That is how I (Jason Hale) began my singing “career.” I am […]